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Uses of Recycled Concrete

Uses of Recycled Concrete

You may not be aware of the various ways that your recycled concrete can be used for and how much it helps out the environment.  Concrete recycling Sacramento is something that helps to lower the illegal dumping that has been done in the past into landfills.  Also it helps to conserve our limited resources.

When concrete is recycled from your construction project it is used in other projects.  Those include the gravel that is put down as a sub-base when roads are made.  After which asphalt or concrete will be placed over the recycled concrete base layer.  This means when you use concrete recycling Sacramento your waste may be used by the Federal Highway Administration to create new roadways.  In the past lands would have had to be stripped to get the materials used to build those roads.

Another use of your recycled concrete could be dry aggregate used to create new concrete, as long as it has no contaminants in it.  While larger pieces that are left after the process of concrete recycling have also been used for help in controlling erosion along streams.  This process is called riprap revetments, and has helped control erosion in many locations.  While at times some of the recycled materials have even been used for a substitute for mulch in areas, or even stones for landscaping.

As you can see all of these are great ways that your company can take materials that are just waste and recycle them.  From the larger demolition jobs where full buildings may be knocked down, where more materials will be able to be recycled and used in other ways.  To the smaller jobs where renovation may need to be done and there is less concrete waste, leaving less recycled material, but it will still be able to be used in many helpful ways.

Uses of Recycled Concrete