Call Us: +1 (916) 985-2700
SBE #39228

Sacramento Concrete Recycling Business Is Rapidly Growing!

Sacramento Concrete Recycling Business Is Rapidly Growing!

Just because the name of the company is Crete Crush does not mean that we only deal with concrete. We have been one of the largest providers of concrete recycling Sacramento has seen in years, but we do not stop there. Actually the amount of materials and services that we provide should make our competition extremely worried.

While we of course are providing base rock that does in fact meet the required specs for CalTrans we also have pea gravel, general fill soil, a 50/50 blend of our topsoil and comp, as well as 1” minus screened top soil that is perfect for temp roadways. We also provide the bigger items such as boulders, landscaping or wall rock, and even river cobble that is varying in colors from black, grey, white, and brown.

One program that has been wonderfully accepted by all our customers has been the Dirt Exchange program. This is a service where we either accept or offer soil and fill materials with others in the community. If you have a soil or fill material need of your own that you wither want to trade or purchase Crete Crush is able to oblige. There is actually a scale posted on the website showing what materials are needed or wanted more in what areas. With all of the resources we have at our fingertips if we cannot assist you to the fullest, we will help you find someone that can!

If you are in the concrete business then you already know the benefits of recycling concrete:

  • keeping it out of the landfills
  • reducing the need for unnecessary gravel mining
  • use as base in roadways

These are just a few; so when you or your company are serious about wanting to join the concrete recycling world feel free to fill out the credit application online and give our office a call at 916-985-2700.